Thursday, April 17, 2008

Identity Fraud Monitor Id Theft Reporting

Identity Fraud is the fastest growing crime in the world. States such as California, Arizona, Texas, and Nevada to name a few are skyrocketing off the charts in Identity Theft Reports. Identity Fraud Monitor ID Theft Reporting Services are a must in everyones life just like Health Insurance, Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, and in most countries Legal Insurance. Families do not go without these protective blankets, but shockingly Families do not fear Identity Theft.

Identity Theft Monitoring Protection

Maybe it's not that they don't fear it, maybe they just don't understand identity theft. See all anyone has to do nowdays is turn on the TV, open USToday, Listen to the Radio, or go online and you can find at least news story each day about a major Identity Theft Ring Busted, Personal Info stolen in Mass Quanitites, or someone being fired for taking personal info and selling it.

Just Recently 4.2M customers Credit Card Numbers and Personal info were taken from the computer system of a major grocery store chain. Before that a Nurse was fired and placed in jail for copying her patients charts and selling all the personal info to theives. Recently there was an article about criminals using other peoples Medical Records and Health Insurance programs to get tested for Aids because they knew they had the disease. Guess what happened, the "Real" person on that health insurance plan is now fighting trying to clear their Medical Identity as no insurance company will insure them or their family...

These are just a few horror stories and now the statistics say that its not a matter of if, but when it will happen to someone. Identity Fraud Monitor ID Theft Reporting Services are important. As Kroll Services is the top monitoring company in the world. They were brought in to Restructure Enron and Track down Sadam's Finances just to name a few things. Identity Fraud Monitoring Services is a must and for only a few pennies a day it should be the first thing a family gets alongside their Health, Auto, Life, and Home Insurance plans.

See how Families are Being Protected Today and view the scary statistics of Id Theft and how families are placing themselves in Danger Each and Every Day!

Identity Fraud Monitor Id Theft Reporting

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